Kamis, 25 November 2010

Board of Education

Most people think of School Board when they see or hear about the board-of-education. I’m here to tell you that the board of education is far from a School Board! I met the board-of-education on my first day of school at recess. My first grade teacher felt this was not in keeping with the school tradition of joining in and that resulted in my tiny rear meeting with the board-of-education.

Hello board of education!

Leo liked gum, especially chic-lets, the kind of gum that came with a white sugar coating. I put that laxative gum into a regular chic-let gum box and took it too school. Leo squirmed a little longer - too long as it turned out! I was roughly yanked up and the board of education was applied to my backside!

Leo came back to class white-faced and weak. Leo never chewed gum after that!

Vernon, a classmate, had a great fear of rats. With some work, I got the rat into Vernon’s zippered notebook and placed the notebook back in Vernon’s desk.

Mrs. Vick was our teacher and she must have had a great fear of rats also. The rat struggled to jump out and Vernon slung the notebook, with the rat, away - they landed near Mrs. Vick’s desk! Mrs. Vick’s scream, along with Vernon’s, just plain disrupted the classroom. I was escorted by Mrs. Vick to the principal’s office. The 9th grade was super. The ink came in a glass bottle with a small ink well built into it. The Chemistry teacher did not think it was so exciting and “helped” me down to the principal’s office for a liberal application of the board-of-education.

When things settled down a bit the principal escorted me to the stage and with great vigor applied the board of education to my back-side!

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